It has been 17 months and 8 days since we started as "us", instead of "I" or "You".


I love the way that you learn how to love me, you've tried so hard to be a better boyfriend,

even though you only bring me flowers when I ask you to,


and from time to time.......

you would rub my feet for no reason, fill up the bubble bath for me and handmade the foams in the bath,

you would bring me anything I want you to bring when I am being lazy in bed,

you would always give me a kiss when you meet me,

you would carry the heavier bags for me when we go shopping

you would carry my girly handbag even though you feel a little ashamed

you would tell me at least 3 times I Love You every single day

you would always tell me no matter how fat I am now I am always as sexy as you fist met me

you would hold my hand when we are in bed watching DVD

you would kiss me in front of all the Chinese staring

you would hug me always and tell me Su-fu Su-fu~






I never thought one day I would find someone like you, who is...

so patient with my hot temper

so gentle when I get all furious and physical toward you

so decent that you would never litter or cheat on anyone

so pure that your eyes only have me in them

so cute that you would read my grandmother an article in Chinese that you wrote about you & me

so sweet that everyone I know likes you so much!

so loving that I would never let you go

so hard-working that even your boss compliment you for your efforts!

so ambitious that you told me: "baby, I will try my best to make much more money and make you proud, you just have to wait and see"- honey, you are already making me proud, and I am very, very happy to just be with you like this.





your cute smile can always brighten up my day & night, you always hug me like you have never hugged,

I feel so loved and cared by you, I have never met someone like you, really,


and I am blessed to have you by my side,

let me tell you all the deep secrets that I keep in me never let out

let me be weak in front of you and cry in your arms

let me be a kid in front of you even though we both are 30+

let me selflessly love you the way I want to love you and return me the same

let me be a woman that should be confident in everyway.





baby I love you and this blog is dedicating to you because I am very grateful and proud of being your girlfriend,





I have just tucked you into the blanket and light up the essence oil with your favored scent, and put the nature-sound cd to make you sleep better, I am now going back to watch your cute sleeping face, Embarrassed

I love you forever and ever!Red heart








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